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  4. How to Renew a Domain Ahead of Time

How to Renew a Domain Ahead of Time

Here is a step-by-step instruction for renewing a domain ahead of time, this can be especially useful if you wish to get it out of the way earlier.

This article assumes you are a client of OrangeWebsite and that you are currently logged into your client account over at Secure Orangewebsite.

  1. Log in to our billing system at https://secure.orangewebsite.com
  2. Choose the Domains tab under the header menu and click My Domains

  3. On the next page, you select which domain you would like to renew as the image below shows.

  4. This will bring you to the domain detail page, you can click in two places to Renew your domain, either on the left panel Renew or under the What would you like to do today? header called Renew Your Domain

  5. This will bring you to the Domain Renewal cart, where you can select how many years you would like to renew it for and then hit Add to Cart to continue on through the checkout process.

  6. That’s it, you can now renew your domain as you see fit, for up to 10 years.

Updated on July 29, 2024
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